Learn to train attention and relaxation

Grow with Confidence, 

Use in school, at home or in a therapeutic setting

A musically-based, brain training program that improves sustained attention and reduces anxiety in children with attention difficulties.

  • The program was tested in a clinical trial through the University of Vienna, Faculty of Natural Science with 156 children diagnosed with ADHD.
  • It contains seven voice-guided units that include calming sounds, spoken text and rhythmic cycles.

Our digital platform gets children feeling confident about their growth.


Take a closer look

A musical program for brain training

The program was created for 7 to 12-year-olds and takes advantage of the developmental stages between those ages that are determinant for their growth.

The program teaches children to relax, while increasing their ability to concentrate and maintain focus. This also improves their self-confidence and sense of security.

The simple language and instructions are easy to follow and understand.

7 minutes to improve attention

Check here for more information about our musical program

Grow with Confidence, Musical Program to Improve Attention

Product Details



Doctora en Ciencias por la Universidad de Viena (Dr. rer. nat.), Máster en Neurociencias (Universidad de Barcelona), PDD (IESE),  Licenciada por la Universidad de Viena (Mag. Phil.); estudios de  piano, canto y composición (Conservatorio SCA, Bilbao)


Un método de música y relajación testado científicamente que mejora la atención y reduce el estado de ansiedad de los niños con TDA/H. Ideal para utilizarlo en clase, o en el ámbito particular.

+ incluye 1 consulta gratis!

En nuestra consultas online, podrás resolver cualquier duda sobre la aplicación y el seguimiento del método. ¡Compruébalo!

Upcoming programs – GrowWithConfidence

Grow Your Warrior

Grow Your Warrior is a program that works on decision-making and autonomy – essential for children to become adults.

Grow Studying 

Understand the neurological underpinnings of the learning process better and put  effective study techniques into practice.

Grow with Creativity

Game to stimulate creativity, develop intuition and improve your inner compass.

What our customers are saying

Grow with Confidence, the program for children with attention deficit (ADHD) created by Dr. Marta Toro, uses music and relaxation as the main therapeutic process to significantly change our kids’ behavior. It’s a new and creative methodology that can help improve mental, sensory, emotional and affective development.

Some years ago, I started using Grow with Confidence with my students. The program is practical and easy-to-use. In about seven minutes, it sort of resets the school day and creates a relaxed environment. I like it and my students do, too. What a great thing for the world of education!!

Grow with Confidence uses music in a novel way to profoundly improve anxiety and attention in students  

I have two kids who have a lot of energy around bedtime, like their father. To calm them down, I used to read to them and talk about all of the good things that happened during the day. This didn’t always work to get them to sleep. One day I put on Grow with Confidence, which we listened to attentively until all three of us fell asleep. I thought it only worked because of the novelty, but it keeps working. Now, though, I hit play and run out of the room before I fall asleep too.

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